Desktime como funciona
Desktime como funciona

desktime como funciona

This combination makes it different than anything else that’s out there. It’s easy, hassle-free and automatic and real-time. It’s like Google Analytics for employees and a great tool for management. It tracks what employees do on their computers, meaning, how much time is spent working with productive applications like Word, Excel and how much with distracting things like Facebook and Twitter. You can assign shifts and oversee absences, stay informed about remote workers and run a hybrid office all on one platform. Because of that we really sense that there is a need for a product that would manage how much time is wasted on computers each day. Welcome to DeskTime, the time and productivity tracking software that shows how your and your employees time is being spent at the computer. How many of have been working on something really important on your computer and then have been distracted something funny on the Internet? The only fully automatic time tracking software.

desktime como funciona

DeskTime mobile time tracking app is intuitive and easy to navigate.


It offers two options when you are away from the desk- project-based time tracking and manual time tracking. Quien trabaja con la producción de contenido necesita herramientas que lo ayuden no. Google Drive es una herramienta de almacenamiento en la nube que ofrece una serie de aplicaciones de productividad, como editor de texto, hoja de cálculo, presentación y calendario. The app allows you to quickly track either your own or your employee’s work time. FAQ DeskTime. Antes de responder cómo funciona Google Drive, vamos a explicarte qué es. It shows the total time spent on your computer and how much of that time went to productive applications. Desktime comes with a full-fledged phone time-tracker app.

desktime como funciona

DeskTime is real-time time tracking service that analyzes productivity. DeskTime gives you an overview of the productivity levels of your teams and displays their effectiveness for the selected period in percentage.

Desktime como funciona